
Maldives Boating Awards conferred to 32 individuals

The National Boating Association (NBA) has conferred the Maldives Boating Awards 2022 to 32 recipients during a ceremony held at Dharubaaruge' convention centre. The ceremony was attended by Minister of Tourism Dr. Abdulla Mausoom.

NBA received 100 nominations and featured awards in 29 different categories on a sectoral and standard basis. A total of 28 awards were given to companies and safaris. In addition, captains and those who have served the boarding industry for many years were also awarded at the ceremony.

Maldives Boating Awards is an initiative of the NBA to recognise the strength of the boating industry and the services rendered by the service providers. The award was introduced in 2014. However, the awards ceremony was not held for the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.