
Restrictions imposed in Addu City lifted

Addu City Council has lifted the restrictions imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The city council said the restrictions in Addu City were lifted following the ease on restrictions imposed across the country. The council urged the residents of the city to maintain social distancing and to wear facial masks when going outside although the restrictions are lifted.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the Maldives, the city council initially ordered the closure of all shops and businesses, except delivery services, and restricted movement between the wards of the city unless for essential needs. Speaking to PSM News, Mayor of Addu City Abdulla Sadiq said a new normal guideline was prepared before lifting the restrictions. He urged the residents of the city to follow the guideline and the instructions given by the authorities.

As per the latest statistics, 145 individuals are placed in home quarantine in Addu City.