
AG publicises bills to be forwarded to parliament

Attorney General's Office has revealed the bills to be submitted to the parliament in the first term of this year.

While delivering the presidential address, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih remarked 56 bills will be submitted to the parliament in the first term of this year, President Solih said 32 of the 56 bills propose amendments to the existing laws and 24 bills are set to create entirely new laws.

As part of the bills to be submitted to the parliament, 10 bills have been forwarded to the President's Office. The 10 bills include Mental Health Act, Maldives Police Service Act, Insurance Act, Statistics Act, Amendments to the Environment Protection and Preservation Act, Amendments to the Import-Export Act, Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act, Amendments to the Decentralisation Act, Amendments to the Employment Act and Amendments to the Immigration Act.

Some of these bills have already been submitted to the parliament and parliamentarians have begun preliminary debates on some of the bills. Attorney General's Office will also submit other bills including amendments to Penal Code, Housing Act, Child Rights Protection Act and Defamation Act. It will also forward amendments to National Registration Act, Foreign Investment Act, Witness Act, AG Office Act, Medical Commission Act, Press Freedom Act, and Family Act.

Speaker Mohamed Nasheed has said the parliament will work to finish most of the 56 bills by the end of the term.