Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid has stated the impact of climate change will also be certainly felt by the larger and more developed states, should it fail to unite in the fight against climate change.
Speaking to international movement against climate change, Climate Diplomacy, Minister Shahid highlighted on the current impacts of climate change on small island states. Shahid said the small states are currently facing irreversible damages as they are on the verge of being lost. He said Maldives was the first amongst the small island states to speak about climate change in the international platforms as it is currently experiencing the impacts of climate change and sea level rise.
Maldives is currently speaking on the challenges the countries are facing due to climate change. As part of its fight against climate change, Maldives has played a key role in forming Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and playing an important role in the organisation, in addition to the work it currently does on various committees of the United Nations.