
No evidence to charge anyone following Afrasheem’s probe: Home Minister

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has said Presidential Commission on Investigation of Murders and Enforced Disappearances (DDCom) did not find enough evidence to arrest or charge anyone in connection with the murder of former Parliamentarian Dr. Afrasheem Ali.

Speaking in response to a question from Parliamentarian Mikael Naseem, Minister Imran said the report details the entire incident of Afrasheem’s murder. He further said he had met with the Prosecutor General (PG), Maldives Police Services (MPS) and DDCom twice to seek recommended actions following the report compiled by DDCom.

DDCom concluded not to arrest anyone listed in the report when he requested DDCom to inform the police in case they wanted to apprehend any party listed in the report, according to Minister Imran. He said the decision was made because the commission found no evidence to charge or arrest them with murder. DDCom report concluded that a group of religious extremists run by Mohamed Mazeed and Samith Mohamed tasked Azlif Rauf to murder Afrasheem.

Afrasheem Ali was killed on October 2, 2012. While Hussain Humam has been found guilty of killing him, no sufficient evidence was found against the others charged. Human has received a death sentence for his involvement in killing Afrasheem.