
State asks for stay order on paying compensation to Dheebaajaa

The state has appealed to the Civil Court to issue a stay order on the implementation of its verdict that the government should pay USD 22.677 million as compensation for termination of the agreement made with Dheebaajaa Investment Private Limited.

A statement issued by the Attorney General's Office claims the procedure followed by the Civil Court with regard to the implementation of the said verdict, contradicts the procedures that have been in effect since September 2, 2015. The court should intervene only after the deadline set for the payment comes to a close, unless the receiving party files a complaint regarding defaulting payments, with regard to verdicts issued after February 15, 2015.

However, as the case in question is regarding a verdict issued prior to the abovementioned date, the procedures to be followed are different. The state accuses those procedures have not been adhered to.

The Attorney General's Office also questioned the purpose of holding a closed hearing, on Monday, with regard to the case against Dheebaajaa Investment. The office said it did not believe any situation detailed in Article 42 subsection (c) of the Maldivian Constitution was in play, when the court opted for a closed hearing.

The Maldivian Government came into an agreement with Dheebaajaa Investment in 2010 to establish ferry services in four atolls in the north of the country. However, the agreement was terminated in 2013 by the administration of then President Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan, citing Dheebaajaa Investment was in violation of the agreement.