Prime Minister of India Narenda Modi has personally called President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to congratulate him on his party’s exceptionally strong performance in the parliamentary elections, in which Maldivian Democratic Party secured 65 of 87 seats and won a landslide supermajority in parliament.
The Indian prime minister expressed the strong showing is indicative of the high level of trust and support the citizens of the Maldives vest in the administration and its policy priorities. He further conveyed his full confidence the administration can deliver on its promises towards the Maldivian people in the upcoming five years, and the Government of India will always stand ready to be of assistance to Maldives.
President Solih thanked Prime Minister Modi for his gracious personal gesture and warmly accepted his congratulations. The prime minister and the president then spoke with regard to the high esteem in which the two countries hold each other and expressed their mutual commitment to ensuring the strong bonds and friendship will always remain intact.