
MIRA collects over USD 84.4 million as revenue in September

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has collected over USD 84.4 million in September 2018. The amount is 25.9% higher than the revenue collected in September 2017, according to latest statistics publications.

MIRA stated the increase in revenue collected compared to last year is due to the increment of collection from Tourism Land Rent, Land Acquisition and Conversion fee and GST. Statistics show the greatest share of the revenue collected for September this year was from GST with USD 33 million, which is 39.9% of total revenue. Meanwhile, the second largest contributor was Tourism Land Rent with USD 21.2 million, which is 25.7% of total revenue.

Furthermore, statistics of MIRA revealed other significant contributors include Land Acquisition and Conversion Fee with USD 5.3 million, which is 6.5% of total revenue, Green Tax with USD 4 million, which is 5% of total revenue and Airport Service Charge with USD 3.9 million, which is 4.8% of total revenue.