
Nothing more important than defending freedom and independence: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated nothing is more important than defending the freedom and independence of the nation. President Abdulla Yameen made the remark while speaking at the ceremony held to inaugurate water services in Feydhoo, Maradhoo and Maradhoo-Feydhoo and mark the completion of the land reclamation project in Feydhoo.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom called upon everyone to prioritise protecting the religion and maintaining the peace and harmony of the nation. The president also appealed to everyone to strive towards achieving a united and peaceful society.

At the ceremony, the president underscored his ambition of bringing a new era of development to the country. He especially highlighted the development projects planned for the advancement of the health sector. In this regard, the president noted developing the telemedicine sector and establishing a specialised hospital for women was part of his electoral pledges. The president said organ transplant services will be provided from the newly developed Dharumavantha Hospital and highlighted diagnostic services will be provided from the multi-speciality hospital currently under development in Addu City. Noting the importance given to develop public infrastructure across the country, he revealed plans to enhance the healthcare services provided in highly populated islands such as Kulhudhuffushi and Thinadhoo. In this regard, the president noted the development plans of the government is aimed at enhancing infrastructure and facilities that will enable the transformation of islands such as Kulhudhuffushi and Thinadhoo to cities in the future.

Highlighting development must not be aimed at a certain community, the president revealed plans to develop urban cities across the country, as part of the all-inclusive development strategy initiated by the government. He said the administration had plans to develop local tourism in Addu, however as the city lacked basic services such as water and sewerage facilities, the government faced numerous challenges to make the project a success. Moreover, the president reiterated plans to utilise renewable energy as 50% of the power source needed in the inhabited islands.

President Yameen visited Feydhoo as part of his current visit to Addu City and Fuvahmulah City.