
Administration delivers dreams for the whole country, not certain communities: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated the efforts of the administration were put towards transforming all the densely populated areas into cities and to develop the essential infrastructure and facilitate necessary amenities for the required transformational developments. President Abdulla Yameen made the remark while speaking at the ceremony held to mark the completion of four projects in Hithadhoo in Addu City.
President Yameen highlighted although Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) gave the status of a city to Addu, it was given, without the provision of the necessary municipal services required to meet that status. However, the president said the current administration speaks of tangible solutions.
Comparing statistics, the president said in contrast to the USD 30 million directed to Addu City in the 3 years of the MDP administration and the 2 years that followed, the current administration has spent over USD 142.7 million in the past years.
President Yameen noted had the current administration not been obliged to spend millions of dollars to compensate for the damage caused by MDP, in the wake of former President Nasheed’s resignation, those funds could have been funnelled towards the development of Addu City. The president further questioned whether the February 8, 2012 violence that destroyed the deeds and documentation of citizens, was not torture.
Stressing on the ability of some political leaders changing their political ideologies, the president urged citizens to take on their individual responsibilities and not to betray their right to vote. The president said, individual freedom, not accepting gifts, and not selling votes is the best result one could facilitate to the country. Furthermore, expressing astonishment about the priority given by colonial powers to an election held in Maldives, the president repeated his question, whether the election is orchestrated by foreign countries.
Emphasising the future educational policy of this administration, President Yameen stated that he would include information and communication technology as a mandatory subject in the school curriculum, under the all-inclusive educational policy of the current administration. The president further reiterated the decision to double the number of scholarships facilitated by the government, in the coming years. He also underscored that facilitating the youth with more employment opportunities was one of his main priorities.
President Yameen visited Hithadhoo, as part of his current tour of Addu City, where he received a warm welcome from Hithadhoo on arrival. The president participated in the ceremony to mark the completion sewerage services, housing units, nature park and solar hybrid power system in Hithadhoo.