
President is the real pioneer behind Sina-Male' Bridge: Fisheries Minister

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Mohamed Shainee has stated the real pioneer behind the successful completion of Sina-Male' Bridge is the current president and the government, despite the numerous efforts of the opposition to take credit for the largest infrastructure to be constructed in Maldives.
President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom prioritises socially beneficial projects, Fisheries Minister Shainee expressed speaking on a programme aired on PSM News, adding it has been proven within the past four years. Slamming rumors the bridge was built by a certain individual, Shainee affirmed President Yameen exerted positive efforts to make the dream a reality. In this regard, Minister said the president personally devised plans to generate funds for the project. Shainee, who has attended economic council meetings held on the bridge construction project, revealed President Yameen has personally guided to make the mega project a reality.
Furthermore, replying to rumors stating the expenses of the bridge are huge and a waste, Shainee noted a large quarter of the expenses are donations from the government of China as the strategy of the president was to build the bridge with donations attained from the largest bilateral development partner of Maldives.