
Building relationships with neighbouring countries is crucial

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed Asim has stated that Maldives being a fast developing country, it is an important aspect to build stronger relationships with neighbouring countries.

Speaking at a press conference held by the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo, Foreign Minister Dr. Mohamed Asim affirmed that Maldives is developing at a faster pace and for that to be sustained, the most important aspect is to build strong relationships with neighbouring countries. During the press, Foreign Minister Asim said that the support of friendly nations is essential for a country to sustain economic development of the country, adding that Maldives must give importance to plan and conduct projects with other countries.

"We are a very small country in Indian Ocean, and we have strategic interest to ensure that the Indian Ocean is free and peaceful and we have very good relations with our largest neighbor India, in fact we have India first policy. We have been collaborating on many fronts on economic fronts, social fronts, and also on security fronts as well,” the Foreign Minister told the press conference.

Furthermore, Minister Dr. Asim stated that Maldives and Japan can innovatively move forward to expand cooperation in the economic sector, and invited Japanese investors to cease the opportunity to forge partnerships with government.

"My government's top priority has been focused on economic development and I believe that there is immense potential for the Maldives and Japan to move innovatively to expand cooperation in this area. In this regard, we invite Japanese investors to cease this opportunity to forge partnerships with government and also participate in economic development of Maldives,” the Maldivian Minister said.

Continuing on, Minister Asim highlighted his meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Japan Taro Aso. He noted that during the meeting two ministers discussed on further strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. Minister Asim also extended his deepest appreciation for the generous assistance provided by Japan for the socio-economic development of Maldives.