
President Yameen arrives back in Male' city

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has arrived back in Male' city, on conclusion of his visit to Kulhudhuffushi Island of Haa Dhaalu Atoll. During his visit, President Yameen Abdul Gayoom inaugurated the land reclamation project for the development of Kulhudhuffushi Airport, which is an electoral pledge of President Yameen.

The President also launched the trailing suction hopper dredger of Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), which would be used in the land reclamation project. The President Yameen also addressed the community of Kulhudhuffushi Island, proclaiming that flights will land at the Kulhudhuffushi Airport by the end of August next year.

Speaking at the function organised by the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) in Kulhudhuffushi Island, President Yameen stated that the determination of his administration has proved that targets can be achieved, which were previously seen as far-fetched by others. President Yameen also called upon everyone to chase their own dreams with courage, honesty and determination.

Moreover, the President appealed for the people's cooperation and support to the administration in every endeavor. The President also said that establishment of an international airport in Haa Dhaalu Atoll would act as the main gateway of the country's northern region and would boost the region's tourism industry, and result in a more thriving economy. Current statistics shows that resort development consisting of a total bed capacity of 1500 would be completed in the near future, highlighted President Yameen. He underscored that that this would in turn create around 40 thousand new jobs. He assured the economic development plans targeted for the Kulhudhuffushi region would be completed successfully during his term in office.