
President tours Raa Atoll, inaugurates completed projects

President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom visits Maduvvari, Fainu and Meedhoo of Raa Atoll and inaugurates projects completed in the islands under his administration. The President visited the three islands as part of his ongoing tour to Raa Atoll.

President began his tour to the Atoll on Tuesday morning, starting his visit from Maduvvari Island of Raa Atoll. On arrival in Maduvvari, President received a warm welcome from the people of the island. He attended the ceremony held to inaugurate the sewerage system project and coastal protection project which was completed by the government in Maduvvari Island.

Speaking at the event, President Yameen said the government’s target to provide water and sewerage to 75 percent of the population is being realized. President Yameen said that when he came to power the state was in debt but his government has paid these debts and brought development and prosperity for the people.

During his speech President revealed that efforts are underway to begin a project to develop 50 housing units in Maduvvari. He further noted the important role played by parliamentarians in realizing developmental aspects of their constituents, urging them to elect parliamentarians wisely.


On the second leg of his journey, President Yameen visited the Island of Fainu. Upon arrival in Fainu, President Yameen was once again greeted with much ado by residents of the island. At Fainu, the President inaugurated the harbor and coastal protection projects of the Island.

Speaking after the inauguration of the completed projects, the President said that this government is and will continue to address developmental requirements of Fainu Island. He said that Government will not differentiate between any islands regardless of the small population.


President Yameen visited the island of Meedhoo on the third leg of his tour, where he received a grand welcome. He inaugurated the Raa Meedhoo Masjidhul Avvaabeen mosque developed under grant aid of Saudi Government. He later on also launched the completed water and sewerage projects of Meedhoo Island.

The President was accompanied at the function by Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament and senior officials of the government. Some of the officials also spoke at the events held in Madduvari, Fainu and Meedhoo of Raa Atoll. During their speeches all officials highlighted the revolutionary developmental projects initiated by the Government of President Abdul Yameen Abdul Gayoom and praised his administration for its development aspirations.