
South Africa interested to combat climate change with Maldives

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa has said Maldives and South Africa could cooperate to combat climate change related obstacles facing fisheries and agriculture.

Speaking on Talk Maldives TV programme, aired on PSM News, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa, Senzeni Zokwana said to combat climate change, Maldives and South Africa could conduct research, exchange information and share lessons.

The South African Minister said both countries could learn from each other on implementing environmentally viable policies to tackle climate change. He said climate change affects fisheries and agriculture of all countries, citing that a vocal country such as Maldives could share knowledge and experience with South Africa on tackling climate change.

"In research, exchange of information, being able to share the lessons. Also to present a similar argument, when we are in this global fora. So that we are able to have a view that is consistent, along the coastal areas because climate change means that we have to change the way we do things, we need to mitigate, we need to adapt. There may be reasons now to change the way we have been harvesting, and also make sure that no foreign vessels will enter our waters without permit. What has been happening currently is that, I understand that countries would apply for permit to fish, because those countries that country has no expertise they are able to exploit in areas they believe have fish,“ Zokwana told the programme.

Minister Senzeni Zokwana said Maldives and South Africa can engage in the global fora, as South Africa is in a number of international bodies, which can benefit both countries. Speaking on the programme, the South African Minister also spoke on ways Maldives could assist the tourism sector of South Africa. He said he would urge the Minister of Tourism of South Africa to visit Maldives to witness the policies on building a world renowned tourism destination.

Minister Zokwana said that he has learnt a lot from Maldives and stated that he hopes the South African President will visit Maldives in the near future, so that he can witness how self-reliant Maldives is as a country, which lives mostly on its own resources, which is an example which South Africa can apply given its abundance of resources.