
Concrete work on main pillars of bridge completed, 2 months ahead

Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has revealed that the work on the construction of the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge is progressing at high speed with concrete work on the main pillars of the bridge completed, two months ahead of schedule. While the construction of the pillars make up a crucial stage in construction, completion of concrete work on the pillars took approximately one year and five months.

After numerous assessments in Lonuziyaariay area of Male' City, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Company of China began construction of the pillars in January 2016.  While the pillars have now been constructed, the contractors noted that the project did not come without challenges. The biggest challenge was the ocean currents in the Gaadhoo Channel where the bridge is being constructed.

The work would now begin on pile caps needed for the construction of the bridge, according to the timeline issued by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. The Ministry has revealed that work on building the pile cap reinforcement formworks are now underway at the site. Housing Ministry said that the work on the construction of pile caps is to be completed by August 2017.

The ministry also said that the work is also underway to acquire the accropode blocks, which would be resisting wave action at the two ends of the bridge in Male' and Hulhule'. This is also being carried out, ahead of schedule. After the pile caps are in place, the superstructure that is being assembled in China would be brought to Male'. This would be the beginning of the final phase of the project.

The government aims to complete the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge by July 2018. This is the largest engineering venture to be conducted in Maldives.