
Decision to extend time of voting was a smart decision: Observers

The international observers who oversaw the Local Council Election have said that the decision to extend the time of voting was a smart decision by the Elections Commission.

International Observers at a press briefing revealed that the decision enabled Maldivians to exercise their voting rights and it was decided after some parties requested for extension.

"Sometimes during the election there are situations that you cannot predict, some situations are predicted by law, some are not and you have to act on the spot. We were all aware that opening of the polling station was late at some stations. Personally, I think that the decision to expand the voting was very smart” said Dr. Irena Hadžiabdić, the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Elections Commission.Furthermore, the observers highlighted that the counting process was conducted according to the rules and regulations of the Elections Commission and it was transparent.

“The counting process was very transparency. At that time candidates, their official agents, polling agents and the voters of the locality were in huge number present. So, I think the process was very good, free, fair and transparent” said Nadeem Qasim, from Pakistan Elections Commission.All the observers said that even though they noticed some technical issues at the election, the election can be classed as free and fair. They all congratulated the Elections Commission for conducting a successful election.

The International Observer’s team comprises of Dr. Irena Hadžiabdić, the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Elections Commission, Nadeem Qasim, Director of Pakistan Elections Commission, Maleeha Hasan, Commissioner of Afghanistan Elections Commission, Thilakasiri Dissanayake, Secretary of Sri Lanka Election Commission, Kabita Khanam Commissioner of Bangladesh Elections Commission and Sanjay Dendup, District Officer of Bhutan Elections Commission. They all observed the voting and counting process of the Local Council Election across the country.