
Parliament delays implementation of Criminal Procedure Act

Parliament on Monday passed an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act to postpone its implementation till July 2017.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom ratified the “Criminal Procedure Act”, passed by Parliament at the 26th sitting of its first session, on April 18, 2016.

Parliament voted 41-26 to pass the amendment, tabled by MP for South-Maafannu, Abdulla Rifau.

The act will allow investigative procedure regarding accused to be carried out effectively and efficiently with lesser hindrances to the rights of the person.

Additionally, it will encourage defence of accuseds, in courts of law, with lesser hindrances to the rights of the accused and assist make investigation of cases fairer.

On Monday, Parliament also removed Thulusdhoo MP Mohamed Waheed as Parliament’s representative on the Clemency Board.

The motion, submitted by MP for Kelaa Ali Arif, stated that Thulusdhoo MP Mohamed Waheed was no longer fit to serve as Parliament representative on the Clemency Board and called for his immediate removal.