
ACC receives RTI Award

The Anti-Corruption Commission, ACC on Thursday became the first institution to receive the Right to Information Award. 

The award was conferred to the ACC at a ceremony held at Ghiyasuddin International School Thursday evening to mark the International Right to Know Day. The ACC was also conferred the award of the most informative website. 

The award titled “Mauloomaathu Haamakurumuge Ran Vana” was instituted by the Information Commissioner’s Office to encourage state and government institutions and agencies to provide correct and complete information to the public in accordance with the Right to Information Act.

At the ceremony, awards were also presented to institutions and information officers that demonstrated exemplary commitment to the Right to Information Act.

According to the Information Commissioner’s Office, The recipients were selected after evaluating the work of information officers to provide correct and complete information in accordance with the Right to Information Act.

The award for the best information officer went to Education Ministry.

The awards were presented by Home Minister Azleen Ahmed. Speaking at the ceremony, the Minister said “the public has a right to know how public funds and assets are being used, and it is important to publicise such information to tackle corruption and abuse of power.” He also dismissed concerns that the recently enacted the Defamation and Freedom of Speech Act restricts publication of such information, saying that no action will be taken against any journalist or individual for revealing or publicizing true information regarding any government official or institution.

Speaking at the ceremony, Information Commissioner Abdul Aziz Jamaal Abu-Bakr said proper implementation of the Right to Information Act would enable genuinely transparent governance.