
ECM Digitalises Party Membership Registration Amid Fraud Claims

The Elections Commission of Maldives (ECM) has completely digitised the political party membership registration process.

The move comes at the back of widespread public outrage over increasing allegations of fraudulent membership registrations. Despite previous attempts to stamp out fraudulent registrations, ECM had not managed to stop political parties from submitting forms with forged signatures, altered photographs, and falsified information.

ECM on Thursday amended the Political Party Regulation to mandate political parties to submit membership registrations through its online ‘Simedha’ portal. Submissions to the portal would need to be made using the national digital identity ‘efaas’.

According to the amended regulation, applicants for political party membership through ‘efaas’ must declare no objection to ECM accessing information in the Department of National Registration (DNR) if and when required.

ECM is mandated to maintain membership applications submitted through the online portal for no less than 10 years.

In addition, the new regulation states that if a situation arises where the applicants cannot make submissions through the Simedha portal, ECM must determine and make public an alternative method for registrations. Under the amended regulation, access to the Simedha portal will be granted upon submission of a request to the ECM.

ECM later told PSM News that individuals will also be able to apply for membership registration through the online portal effective Thursday. Once the membership application is submitted, the respective political party will also be automatically notified through the Simedha portal, ECM said, adding that the new member will be officially entered to the registry after its approval by the party.