
7,500 suspended from expat system for unpaid fees

The Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has reported that 7,500 individuals have been suspended from the expat system due to unpaid fees and penalties.

Fees for hiring foreign workers in the Maldives must be paid through the Expat system. State Minister Abdul Majeed Ibrahim stated that 7,501 people have been blocked from accessing the system for failing to make these payments. However, they will regain access once their outstanding fees are settled.

Those employing foreign workers were given a deadline of September 16 to pay any fees and penalties totalling less than USD 6,510. The ministry previously warned that a list of non-compliant individuals would be made public, resulting in suspensions from the expat system.

So far, 3,692 individuals have requested to pay their dues in one-year instalments. State Minister Majeed mentioned that the highest amount owed is USD 1.5 million, with a one-year period granted for payment.

In total, there are over 50,000 individuals and companies employing foreign workers in the Maldives. According to the ministry, more than 90 percent, or over 45,000, of these do not consistently pay their fees.