
Dhiraagu records revenue of USD42 million in Q3

The national telecommunications company, Dhiraagu, has recorded USD42 million in revenue in the third quarter of 2023, which is a 2% increase compared to the USD41 million generated in the second quarter of this year.

As per the latest Quarterly Financial Report, Dhiraagu generated revenue from two main areas, which are mobile revenues and fixed line, broadband internet, and enterprise businesses. Dhiraagu recorded a revenue of USD22 million from mobile services in the third quarter compared to USD21 million in revenue during the second quarter of this year. The revenue from fixed broadband services also improved in the third quarter. Fixed broadband services recorded a revenue of USD19 million in the third quarter compared to USD18 million in revenue during the second quarter, according to the report.

Meanwhile, the operating expenses of Dhiraagu stood at USD18 million in the third quarter. The company also recorded a profit of USD14 million after tax which is a 5% decrease compared to the USD15 million in the second quarter. The decline in profit was due to higher operating expenses in the third quarter.