
Ooredoo to distribute USD3.04 per share as dividend

Ooredoo Maldives has approved the distribution of USD3.04 per share as the dividend for 2022.

Ooredoo stated that the Board of Directors approved the recommendation and all persons including legal entities registered as shareholders as on February 16, 1400hrs, will be eligible to receive the dividend. Ooredoo also stated that the Audited Financial Statements for 2022 were approved by the Board of Directors. The Audited Financial Statements will be published on its website before the end of February 7.

The recommended dividend and the Audited Financial Statements for 2022 will be proposed for the approval of the shareholders during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in March. If approved by the shareholders, Ooredoo will commence the distribution of the dividend in March 2023. The notice and agenda of the AGM, along with the relevant documents, will be made available on Ooredoo’s website by no later than the end of February 21.