
Highest Green Tax received from Kaafu Atoll and Alifu Alifu Atoll

Ministry of Finance has revealed that the highest amount of Green Tax was received from the Kaafu Atoll and Alifu Alifu Atoll in November 2022.

Statistics from the finance ministry show the Maldives received USD5 million as Green Tax in November, out of which USD4.8 million was generated from resorts, guesthouses and hotels, USD130,000 million was generated from liveaboards, and USD152 from homestay facilities.

The statistics show that USD2 million was generated as Green Tax from tourist facilities of Kaafu Atoll and USD513,000 was generated from tourist facilities in Alifu Alifu Atoll. Additionally, USD300,000 was generated from Raa Atoll. The Green Fund had a total of USD54 million at the end of November and in October, the fund stood at USD52 million, according to the ministry.

The Green Fund was introduced in 2016 with the aim of tackling environmental issues in the Maldives as per the Tourism Act of the Maldives. As such, USD6 is charged as Green Tax per tourist for each day they spend at a resort, hotel, or safari in the Maldives, while USD3 is charged as Green Tax per tourist for each day they stay at a guesthouse.