Minister of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Mohamed Aslam has revealed that conditional approval will be given for the development of islands with unapproved land-use plans. He made the statement during a session of the third Viavathi Raajje conference.
Members of local councils have expressed concern over the planning ministry's refusal to approve their land-use plans over minor errors. Responding to the concerns in a presentation, Minister Aslam said that the main errors made in the formulation of the land-use plans consist of local councils using an unauthorised template to formulate their plan, failing to label zones, failing to highlight new areas planned for development, the island's EPZ failing to meet the minimum size, and zoning industrial sites near residential communities.
After the presentation, the Mayor of Addu City Ali Nizar proposed for the government to give temporary approval to continue development projects in the islands, even if the land-use plans are unapproved. Minister Aslam agreed to give conditional partial approvals to local councils that have submitted land-use plans with easily correctable errors.
During the session, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said that challenges faced in formulating land-use plans can be solved with legal changes if all local councils are facing similar issues. Members of local councils have expressed approval of the government's decision to give conditional approval for islands that have unapproved land-use plans.
Under the Decentralisation Act, the local councils are mandated to prepare land-use plans. The act states that within three months after the elected members assume office, the island council shall prepare the development plan and land use plan of each island with technical assistance provided by the Atoll Council. However, several councils have not submitted land use plans although a year has passed since the new councilors were sworn in.
The Local Government Authority (LGA) stated that 68 island councils have submitted land use plans so far, of which 19 have been approved. Funds allocated for the land use plans have now been released to those councils.