
Schools in the Maldives reopen after three months

Ministry of Education has reopened schools after a three-month break amid the spread of COVID-19 in the Maldives.

All schools in islands without any confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 were given permission to reopen for key stages 1 to 5, which makes up grades 1-12. However, schools in the Greater Male' Region and islands with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 were given permission to reopen schools for special educational needs (SEN) classes and key stages 4 and 5, which makes up grades 9-12. Students from foundation stage to key stage 3 do not have to attend school as online classes and teleclasses are to be conducted for them.

The education ministry formulated a detailed guideline which describes the procedures to be followed in schools to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission among students and staff. The guideline by the ministry states although students of key stages 4 and 5 are attending schools, they are also required to participate in online and teleclasses.

The guideline states each session is conducted for 4 hours and students have to attend schools four days every week. The guideline further states seating arrangements in classes must ensure there is a distance of at least 3 feet between each student.

Physical distancing measures must be imposed in all parts of the schools using marks and signs, while regular disinfection must take place in the schools. While each entrance to the school must have arrangements for temperature monitoring, hand washing or hand sanitising arrangements should be made available and classrooms must be disinfected between sessions.

All students and staff are required to wear disposable or cloth masks at all times when inside the school, although exceptions can be made for children under the age of 2 or students who have asthma.