
Parliament Committee passes to dismiss 4 members of CSC

Parliamentary Committee on Independent Institutions has passed to dismiss four members of Civil Service Commission (CSC) including its president. The committee passed to dismiss President Dr. Alee Shameem, Vice President Shaheed Mohamed and members Zakariyya Hussain and Ibrahim Shaheeq.

According to the parliamentary committee, the four members are being dismissed due to several decisions made which diminished the lawfully mandated rights of civil servants. All four members were summoned and questioned by the committee. While Alee Shameem was summoned to the committee during the last term of the parliament, the remaining three members were questioned last February.

Five cases against the four members were investigated by the committee including unfair dismissal of employees, influence peddling in recruiting permanent secretaries, unjust policies in staff recruitment to CSC and personal issues amongst commissioners.

The committee also met with ministers as part of the investigation to clarify whether the acts of the commissioners interfered with the administration. The ministers remarked the acts of the commission caused delays in delivering projects and pledges of the administration. They further remarked administrating ministries are also affected and causes delays in decision making.