Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has assured to provide full support for an investigation conducted on the handover of the seaplane terminal being developed in Velana International Airport (VIA).
The statement from MACL comes after the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) launched a criminal investigation into the case. In the statement, MACL also called to fast track the investigations and resolve the issue in order to begin the operations of the terminal.
ACC launched an investigation into the handover of the new seaplane terminal in VIA over suspicion that MACL has acted in the interest of a particular party after neglecting what benefits the state. In a statement, ACC said it has instructed MACL to take corrective measures in various regards after it found the company acted in personal interests.
The parliament has also been investigating the dispute between MACL and Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA) in the terminal handover. Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed has remarked MACL and TMA should reach agreeable terms to resolve the case swiftly.