President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has underlined all necessary preventive measures will be taken until the coronavirus is contained globally.
The president held discussions with the cabinet on preventive measures currently being taken by relevant authorities to safeguard Maldives and people from the global novel coronavirus outbreak. Speaking at the meeting, President Solih shed light on the immediate actions of the administration following news of the global medical emergency and detailed the preemptive measures taken after discussing and coordinating with relevant stakeholders. Noting priority will be given to minimize the risk of a coronavirus outbreak in Maldives, the president thanked all stakeholders for their support and collaboration in preventing the virus from entering Maldives, especially extending gratitude to the officials working at the tourism sector for actively being alert throughout the process.
President Solih also noted Maldives was braced for the coronavirus during this period of high season for tourist visits. He underscored the remarkable work of institutions to minimise the risk of spreading the virus through awareness sessions conducting by the authorities.
The president assured the government would continue taking all necessary precautionary actions to ensure the safety of the public. He urged all relevant authorities to coordinate with local media and continue disseminating the latest updates and information to the community.