
Rain water storing facilities to be established in 25 islands by April

Ministry of Environment has stated rain water storing facilities will be established in 25 islands by April.

The announcement was made by Minister of State for Environment Ahmed Mujuthaba at the ceremony held to hand over the procurement of automatic weather station units required for 6 islands to an Italian company.

State Minister Mujuthaba said the automatic weather station units established in islands will determine the weather beforehand and minimise the current data gap faced due to the distance from one station to the other.

The state minister said the project initiated under grant aid of Green Climate Fund (GCF) will further ease the rain water collection as the automatic weather units can determine rain season before its arrival. He noted this will aid in collecting water to eradicate water shortage. He also acknowledged the assistance provided by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the efforts of Maldives in combating climate change.

Under the agreement, the Italian company must bring the automatic weather systems to Maldives within 4 months at a cost of nearly USD 16,000.

According to the environment ministry, there are 34 automatic weather stations established in various parts of the country.