
NCTC discloses standard to identify extremists

National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) has publicised the standard used to identify extremists. A statement released by NCTC states the people who label the Maldivian state an infidel state and people who reject nationalism are extremists.

Extremist ideologies are defined in the statement as the ideologies that conflict the constitution and laws of the Maldives, and ideologies that disregard and disagrees with social practices in word and action. The statement identifies people who believe in extremist ideologies as people who resort to violent approaches and practices in demeaning the constitution, law and practices.

People with such ideologies divert from the clear, cultural and social practices and norms, according to the statement. They also label other Muslims as infidels, and believe stealing and mugging of properties which belong to people outside of their ideologies. The statement further identifies people with extremist ideologies as people who advocate and promote violence against others.

People with extremist ideologies also disregard the national flag, emblem, national anthem and educational curriculums in addition to restricting access to education and depriving children of proper health care. The statement further claims such individuals disregard human rights and allow child marriages as they dishonor women and children.

The statement from NCTC comes at a time the security forces have launched an operation with relevant authorities in Maduvvari island, to combat extremism in Maldives.