
President inaugurates 'Go Green' programme by CLEAN Maldives

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has inaugurated the 'Go Green' programme initiated by local environmental organisation CLEAN Maldives.

President Solih kicked off the Go Green programme by planting a tree at a function held in Hulhumalé Phase II. He also launched an eco-friendly bag designed by the organisation. The president was presented with the bag by President of CLEAN Maldives Aishath Maleeha Zameel and Vice President of the organisation Rauna Ali Shareef.

As part of the programme, 500 palm trees and 500 beach plum trees were planted in Hulhumalé Phase II. The NGO also donated 500 palm trees and 500 beach plum trees to the Nursery of Housing Development Corporation (HDC). The trees were presented to HDC by Aishath Hameez and Enas Ahmed.

CLEAN Maldives is an NGO working to educate and spread awareness about the value and importance of the environment and environmental issues. Local NGO Benefit also donated 11 neem and 6 orchid trees to HDC as part of the programme.