Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) has appointed directors to Tradenet Maldives Corporation Limited, the newly formulated company under a presidential decree.
Tradenet Maldives is the company that oversees the National Single Window (NSW) for Trade Project that links 7 institutions in Maldives. The NSW project will allow faster and easy services as this electronic platform enables parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standard information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import and export related statutory requirements.
PCB appointed Yousuf Riza as the chairman of the board while Ahmed Shiham Ali was appointed as the Managing Director. The other board members include Nahiya Mohamed, Shurufa Abdul Wahid, Mahmood Riyaz and Mariyam Visama Ahmed.
PCB is yet to appoint one more member to the 7-member board.
The corporation formulated by a presidential decree is a 100% state-owned enterprise.