
Administration will not influence running of MNU: Higher Education Minister

Minister of Higher Education Dr Ibrahim Hassan has assured the administration will not influence the national university.

Speaking at a function held to meet with the newly-appointed council of Maldives National University (MNU), Minister Ibrahim Hassan explained Ministry of Higher Education will only work as a regulatory body of the institution.

Assuring MNU would be free from all influences, the higher education minister expressed the administration shall request the university for assistance in building human resource in certain sector that lack trained professionals. The minister said MNU will have the authority to establish the policies needed under such circumstances.

During the meeting, Minister Ibrahim Hassan called on MNU to prioritise a high standard when conducting programmes and to not act in a way that might diminish the education provided by the institution. He also urged the council, the staff and the students of MNU to refrain from all acts that may divide and bring disharmony to the community.

There are 17 members in the newly appointed council of MNU.