Ministry of Economic Development has said the establishment of a National Single Window (NSW) for Trade Project to be operated by Tradenet Maldives Corporation Limited would link 7 instructions.
The Trade Project to be operated by Tradenet Maldives Corporation Limited, a 100% state-owned enterprise, was formulated as a Single Window Operator for business-related services under a single roof.
The NSW Project will allow faster and easy services as the electronic platform enables parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standard information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import and export related statutory requirements, according to the economic ministry.
The project will leverage information and communication technology (ICT) to provide online access to carry out border control procedures. This will enable traders and other service providers to transact business using electronic forms for all permits and declarations. In addition, the project will facilitate sharing of harmonized data to enable automated processing of documents across stakeholder systems. This will contribute to the government's sectorial strategy to establish a NSW for international trade facilitation.
The 7 institutions to be connected via the project includes Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Fisheries Marine Resources and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence, Maldives Customs Service, Maldives Post Limited, Maldives Airports Company Limited, and Maldives Food and Drug Authority.
The installation of the system will cease the need to call on ministries to submit documents, attain permits and pay fees. Currently, efforts are underway to involve digitising the work of government institutions amongst the said 7 institutions who employ a manual system to work. Development of ICT mechanisms in such institutions are also underway.
The first phase of the two phased installation of the project will be completed by the end of 2020 while the second phase is scheduled to be completed by 2021.