
Fishing vessels cautioned on operating outside Maldivian waters

Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture has called all Maldivian fishing vessels to be more cautious and to operate in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as fishing outside the Maldivian waters is against law.

The advice comes after a Maldivian fishing vessel that had been fishing near 3 miles of Minicoy has been seized by Indian Navy. In a press statement, the ministry urged all fishing vessels to stay in Maldivian waters as fishing in high seas, or in oceans of neighbouring countries is against international law.

International laws and treaties mandate Maldives to take measures against illegal fisheries. Hence, Maldivian vessels fishing in the waters of other neighbouring countries might negatively impact the Maldivian fishing sector, according to the ministry. Such actions might result in the fisheries oversight body of the Indian Ocean, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), from blacklisting Maldives.

The fisheries ministry also explained that no Maldivian vessels had been blacklisted by IOTC thus far. Hence, to keep the reputation of Maldives amongst buys of Maldivian fish, the practice of fishing in international waters must be stopped. The ministry also stated it shall take necessary actions against vessels fishing in international waters. The European Union (EU) mandates Maldives to follow certain standards in fish exports and it requires the catches are legal. The ministry issues a catch certificate only to fish caught in Maldivian waters.

International law of the seas grants coastal states sovereign jurisdictions on marine resources in its adjacent section of the continental shelf taken to be a band extending 200 miles from the shore. While Maldives gets 200 miles from the east and the west, the zone between Maldives and Sri Lanka have been split in half as the waters do not allow a clear 200 miles for each nation. Hence, the ministry urges all fishing vessels to be extra cautious in operating in international waters between Maldives and India. The ministry estimates the EEZ to stretch to 35 miles to the north of the country.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained the case of a Maldivian vessels fishing in international waters is currently being discussed between Maldives and India.