Controller General of Immigration Mohamed Ahmed Hussain has stated, Maldives Immigration will enforce Immigration Act with impartiality and independence.
Addressing public concerns regarding the growing illegal migrant population and their illicit acts, the Controller assured a solution to the predicament. He further stressed, Maldives Immigration would not hesitate nor be submissive to threats or other influence.
The public grew concerned after Abu Haanef, a Bangladeshi worker permitted to Maldives as a carpenter, was identified as a suspect of money laundering and other illicit acts, and was deported from Maldives. Maldives Immigration has also stopped 11 people with false identities from entering Maldives.
The department has also reported that a significant majority of migrant workers stay in Maldives without legal permits and it aims to take preventive measure to address this grave concern.
In an attempt to strengthen border security to tackle the issue of illegal immigrants in Maldives, Maldives Customs Services, Maldives Immigration and Ministry of Science and Technology have recently upgraded the border control system of the Maldives.