
Initiatives to be undertaken to vastly improve quality of education

Vice President Faisal Naseem has revealed the administration is firmly resolved to undertake initiatives to vastly improve the quality of education provided in Maldivian schools.

Speaking at the 5th International Teacher's Conference held in Addu City, Vice President Naseem emphasised the importance of Maldives learning from the methods used by countries which are particularly well-regarded for the quality of education, highlighting Finland, which he had visited in March, as an example.

The vice president remarked while Finnish teaching methods are unconventional, with emphasis on autonomous learning and critical thinking over rote learning, memorisation and frequent examinations, they have yielded clear results, evident in the high positions Finland routinely achieves on global rankings in the education field. He further lauded the high esteem in which Finland holds teachers and the steps they undertake to ensure that only the most capable individuals enter the teaching profession, for instance, by requiring a minimum of a master's degree for even the most basic teaching jobs.

Furthermore, Vice President Naseem noted it is paramount the education system of Maldives prioritises providing a holistic and equitable educational approach that is fair to all students. Elaborating on these sentiments, the vice president noted it is essential that: students who demonstrate academic prowess are provided with a curriculum that is challenging enough; that those who struggle with school are provided with the adequate support to ensure that they are not left behind; and that students with special needs are provided proper guidance and attention. Further, he noted these underlying sentiments have been compiled in the Education Sector Plan 2019-2023.

The 5th International Teacher's Conference, organised by the National Institute of Education (NIE), will focus on Education in the Global, National and Individual Context while providing a forum for academics from different nationalities to share insights and expertise relevant to the field. The two-day conference held every two years is the biggest conference held for teachers in Maldives.