
Sri Lanka to assist in setting up two schools in Maldives

Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wikramasinghe has revealed the Government of Sri Lanka will assist in setting up two schools in Maldives.

Addressing the Parliament of Maldives, Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe said the relevant authorities of both the countries will coordinate this initiative in moving forward.

‘’When I was the Minister of Education, I initiated a scheme to permit Sri Lankan teachers to teach in your schools. Today, as the Prime Minister, I seek to go further to bolster your vocational education sector by extending our assistance to train your trainers in numerous occupational skills. We are also looking at offering higher education opportunities in Sri Lanka for Maldivian students,’’ the Sri Lankan told the Maldivian Parliament.

Prime Minister Wikramasinghe said Maldives and Sri Lanka are two neutral nations situated at the cross roads of the Indian Ocean faced with rising regional tensions, terrorism, piracy and drug trafficking. The prime minister expressed both two countries must strengthen bilateral dialogue in the sphere and seek ways to cooperate in containing and overcoming these threats.

The prime minister further said climate change is an impeding threat, Sri Lanka is cognizant of the particular vulnerability of the Maldives to rising sea levels and the very real danger of your islands coming under water. He reassured Maldives that Sri Lanka will stand ready to support you fully in the fight against rising sea levels and global warming.