
Councils can function well when State Budget 2020 is implemented

Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer has stated local council can function efficiently with the implementation of the State Budget 2020.

Speaking at a function held by Local Government Authority (LGA), Finance Minister Ameer said one of the aspects of the manifesto of the administration is the inclusion and empowerment of local councils. In this regard, he noted the efforts of the administration in the past 9 months to empower local councils, adding more authorities and powers have been given back to the local councils. He noted finance ministry has established local council units as part of the numerous efforts to ensure the local councils are financially stable.

The finance minister further added the recent amendments to the laws relevant to the local councils and the allocation of more finances would ensure the financial needs of the local councils are met. He also encouraged the local council to work transparently and closely with the central government and the independent institutions.