
Lack of staff & space an issue faced: Children's Shelter

The Children’s Shelter reveals the biggest challenge faced is the lack of staff and space.

Speaking at the Parliament Committee on Social Affairs, Director at Children's' Shelter Fathimath Shiuna stated while 42 children are under the care of the shelter, there are only 33 staff to manage the facility. 24 additional staff are required to match the number of children in the shelter now, according to the guidelines of Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM).

However, Shiuna said Civil Service Commission (CSC) only agreed to grant 10 additional slots to hire staff following the efforts from Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services. Moreover, she revealed in addition to the lack of staff, lack of space is also a challenge in disciplining and looking after the children, as the shelter is a home to children of all ages and behaviours.

Speaking over the issues at the shelter, the director expressed absence of tight relationships among staff is also a major challenge in conducting the mandate of the facility. She further expressed the challenge in hiring male staff, adding currently only 5 staff are males. Most children were taken to the shelter during 2015, according to statistics of the shelter.

No political appointee from the ministry attended the meeting held by the social affairs committee.