
President claims benefits of development unreached to all

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has claimed the benefits of development has not reached all Maldivians despite several strides made by Maldives within a very short timeframe. President Solih made the remarks delivering the opening statement at the Maldives Partnership Forum 2019 held at Kurumba Maldives.

Delivering the statement, the president said it is evident that Maldives has still not reached its full potential, adding Maldives boasts a young, enterprising population, eager to embrace innovation, technology and urban development.

Furthermore, President Solih reiterated the commitment given by the administration in engaging with the international community in issues of mutual importance and to fulfil the pledges of the island nation. Thanking all development partners in attendance for their presence, the president noted the large turnout exceeded the expectations and is indicative of the many friends Maldives have across the world.

He further underlined the need to ensure government policies are sustainable, in line with good governance and respectful of the country's natural resources and cultural heritage. Highlighting Maldives depend on the beautiful natural environment for livelihoods, and yet remain extremely vulnerable to these forces of nature, President Solih expressed the industries and young population depend very much on good governance.

In this regard, the president stated with climate change has come an increasing number of costly and damaging natural disasters; and the dependence on imported fossil fuel and food sources enhance the dependency on fluctuating global supply and prices. Therefore, he underscored, the island nation concept highlights the importance of sustainability and building resilience.

Moreover, President Solih said priorities of the blue economy policy of the government in terms of sustainable development, and building resilience include reducing dependency on fossil fuels, investing in waste management, safe water and sanitation, providing young people the skills and support to contribute to economic growth and improving governance mechanisms to be innovative and aligned with technological advancements.

He reiterated the support and positive engagement of longstanding development partners are crucial to achieve the pledges of the administration.