
NDMA advises to take early precautionary measures

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has advised to take early preventive measures to minimise effect of natural disasters.

Speaking on a programme aired on PSM News regarding the monsoon rain, Chief Executive Officer Hisaan Hassan assured NDMA is closely monitoring the situation of all islands coinciding with monsoon rainfall. He highlighted surveys and researches are currently conducted by NDMA in association with relevant authorities, to prepare for any effects of heavy rainfall.

Noting self-responsibility is crucial in minimising the impact, Hisaan Hassan advised to take precautionary measures before an occurrence rather than having to clean the damage. In this regard, he urged to secure electronics and other household items.

Meanwhile, speaking on the programme, Deputy Chief Executive Umar Fikuree advised to take all necessary measures. He added some people stay until a disaster takes place to implement measures saying it is not the best practice. Highlighting that surveys cite that minor damages from disasters when comparing collectively to ten years or more, will amount to major damages caused form tsunami and other disasters. Umar expressed the best way is to prevent before an unfavourable disaster cause damages.

NDMA has advised to take early preventive measures to minimise the damage from flooding and severe wind as the weather in most parts of the country is expected to worsen in the coming days.