
Maldives assures to implement laws to end sexual & gender based violence

Maldives have assured commitment to implement laws to ending sexual and gender based violence. The assurance was made at a statement delivered by Minister of Gender, Family and Social Services Shidhatha Shareef at Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis conference held in Norway.

Delivering the statement, Gender Minister Shidhatha noted as Maldives is geographically dispersed, the country is prone to natural disasters. In this regard, the minister said following the tsunami in 2014, many social issues were risen adding many women and children died, while others were exposed to sexual and other forms of violence. Highlighting several laws are in place to address the social issues such as gender based violence and sexual abuse, the gender minister reiterated commitment to work towards implementing the laws in efforts to change the end violence and to change the ideology towards such issues.

Moreover, the minister shed light on the preparedness of the government in all such situations to overcome all the social issues. She expressed the government even now provides temporary shelter to affected people along with psychosocial support.

The conference held from May 23-24 is organised by Norway, Iraq, Somalia, UAE, United Nations Population Fund (UNFP) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and International Committee if the Red Cross (ICRC).

During the conference attended by cabinet ministers from countries and other high level dignitaries, discussions were held to mobilize stronger political commitment to prevent sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian crises, mobilise financial resources and highlight best practices and lessons learned from sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response in humanitarian situations.