
Project to develop the new terminal in VIA to recommence

Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer has said the project to develop the new terminal in Velana International Airport (VIA) will be recommenced in June.

Speaking to PSM News, Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer revealed discussions have been held with the senior members of Saudi Fund to recommence the works of the terminal in VIA. The minister further said discussions were held with other companies funding the project, adding extensive discussions were also held to solve other issues faced.

Moreover, Minister Ameer expressed the works will be recommenced with a new agreement aiming to complete the project within 3 years. Noting the project will be continued according to the existing plan, he revealed minor changes will be brought to the plan. The new terminal in VIA project is contracted to Saudi Bin Laden Group.

Last March, speaking on a programme aired on PSM News, Minister Ameer said discussions were commenced with financing agencies in efforts to complete the project in the given duration. In this regard, he revealed so far discussions have been held with Saudi Development Fund, Kuwait Fund and other aid agencies to complete the construction of the terminal in the next 34 months. Highlighting huge development projects must be commenced with prior planning, he noted the previous administration commenced the project without proper planning and funds.

As part of the airport expansion project, an international passenger terminal is being developed with 40 gates and 36 immigration counters. The passenger terminal will also be equipped with facilities to directly board the plane via an aerobridge. Although the existing terminal is equipped to cater 1.5 million passengers per year, the completion of the new terminal will allow the extension of airport services to 7 million passengers annually.

Many manual services will be automated when the new terminal comes in to operation, according to Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL).