
New drinking water plant established in Mafushi Prison

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla Imran Abdulla expresses hope the new drinking water plant in Mafushi prison will eliminate medical conditions caused due to unclean water. Home Minister Imran Abdulla made the remarks at the ceremony held to launch the services of the water plant established in Mafushi prison by a company formed in association with Maldives Correctional Service, Prisco.

Speaking at the ceremony, the home minister said the government aims to provide the inmates with various services. In this regard, minister stated the water plant is a step forward in enhancing the services for inmates.

Noting so far the water used to drink by inmates were not the safest, the minister said in order to drink safe water inmates are required to buy mineral water. However, he expressed the situation have now changed, adding the inmates can access to safe water without any spending.

Moreover, the home minister highlighted the establishment of the water plant have reduced the expenses of government by a large amount and will decrease the amount of plastics used in prison.