
Fire incidents increase due to carelessness: MNDF

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has revealed the amount of fire incidents caused by human carelessness have increased in recent days.

Speaking to the press regarding the fire incidents, MNDF Fire and Rescue Services said 86 incidents have occurred in the past 4 months. MNDF noted most incidents were caused due to human negligence followed by electricity issues and while cooking.

Speaking at the press, Commander of Fire and Rescue Colonel Abdulla Ibrahim stated 18 fires occurred due to electricity failures and 16 incidents occurred while cooking. Moreover, 10 fires were caused in vehicles, 3 fires in vessels and fire incidents in 4 resorts among others, according to MNDF. He stated Fire and Rescue Services received 4-thousand-508 calls within the last 4 months, and 446 calls were to seek information, while 153 calls were made to inform a fire incident. He urged to take precautions and to equip fire extinguishing tools in households.

Furthermore, Fire and Rescue Services revealed if landlords want assistance in fixing fire extinguishing equipment in households, it will be provided by the service.

MNDF said area commands across the country have conducted a number of awareness programmes, regarding fire safety.