Former Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim has accused a company, in which former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb holds a share, received funds from Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), but was not mentioned in the detailed investigative report published by Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).
Former Vice President Adeeb is a shareholder of the Monte Leone International Private Limited and is also influenced by his family members.
Speaking to PSM News, former Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim said the statement submitted by Monte Leone in 2011 shows the company received a total of about USD 4,500 as revenue, adding the report shows the company did not receive any revenue in 2012. However, Niyaz revealed the company received over USD 7 million with a short period of time, after Adeeb became Minister of Tourism in 2012. It is clearly known some funds were from the islands leased by MMPRC, Niyaz accused.
Moreover, Niyaz revealed some transactions made by Millennium Capital Private Limited, another company with links to Adeeb, are known, but not included in the ACC report. Niyaz said the report only includes transactions of SOF Private Limited, the main fronting company of MMPRC funds, to other companies.
Highlighting the transactions of SOF are visible as there are written documents, Niyaz noted a huge amount of the funds were entered to Monte Leone Company since Ahmed Adeeb became the tourism minister. Those transactions will be mentioned in the audit report, Niyaz revealed.
Furthermore, Niyaz expressed concerns the funds channelled via Monte Leone and Millennium Capital were not included in the ACC report. The funds were received by parliamentarians and candidates seeking parliament seats, Niyaz further disclosed. Widely criticising ACC, Niyaz expressed a complete report must be disclosed and published as it directly impacts the whole society, noting the critical status of the MMPRC scandal.
Stating the MMPRC scandal was pre-planned, Niyaz said then President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom gave a very care free response when he was told about the corruption. Niyaz criticised it is not a response that must be given by a person holding such a responsible post, saying if the allegations were taken seriously back then and investigated, the state would not have faced such a huge loss.
On conclusion, the former auditor general revealed although written documents show the MMPRC scandal embezzled over USD 90 million, the real amount will reach close to USD 200 million.