Maldives Police Service has held a symposium to inquire suggestions on criminal justice system, as part of the police reform programme.
The Strategic Plan Development Symposium – Criminal Justice Sector held at Iskandar Building was inaugurated by acting Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed. The symposium is attended by senior figures from Police Crime Investigation Command, representatives from Prosecutor General’s Office, Attorney General’s Office, Criminal Court, Juvenile Court, Drug Court and members from superior courts and magistrate courts. During the symposium, representatives made suggestions regarding the criminal justice sector.
Under police reform programme, symposiums and meetings have been held for elderly citizens and small and medium sized businesses in Male’ region. Moreover, symposiums were held in seven divisions of police service focused for government authorities in those areas. In addition, symposiums were held for police personal residing across the country.
The acting police commissioner has assured to retain the trust of citizens towards the institution.