
Inclusive Education Policy to be implemented with ideas of students

Special Advisor on Social Policy at President's Office Dr. Musthafa Luthufee has stated the inclusive education policy will be implemented with the ideas of students to enable studying opportunities, rather than testing students from mark sheets.

Speaking at the ceremony held to reveal the audit details conducted by Ministry of Education to change schools in Maldives to one session, Special Advisor on Social Policy Musthafa Luthufee said the education policy of the current administration will include all aspects of life without omitting any areas. He noted the education policy implemented by the administration will comprise of life lessons.

Furthermore, Musthafa Luthufee said all types on education will be developed and improved within the inclusive education policy. Noting the aim of the administration is to prepare children for the future, Musthafa expressed the current system will promote other forms of resulting rather than depending on mark sheets. He added the education policy plays a major role in shaping the future of the children and the generations to come.

On conclusion, the special advisor said importance will be given to encouraging children to serve the country.